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The idea that cannabis provides more comfort to men than women comes as a surprise to many at a moment when more and more people turn to medical marijuana for pain relief. Columbia Medical Center (CUMC) experts have now learned that consuming marijuana provides greater pain relief to people than women do. You can learn more at ganjaexpress .
The study was published online in the August 2016 issue of Drug and Alcohol Dependency. "Such results come at a time when more individuals, especially women, look to medical cannabis for pain relief," said CUMC associate professor of clinical neurobiology (in psychiatry) Ziva Cooper, study leader. Past studies have found that cannabis pain relief can vary among different genders, but human pain relief has not been confirmed to date. "Preclinical research has indicated that the perception with cannabis-related pain relief may differ across genders but no studies have been done to see if this is valid in humans," Dr. Cooper said.
Marijuana is the most widely consumed illicit drug in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and is rampantly abused by younger people. Although the levels of drug use in middle and high schools have increased over the years, there is a steady decline in the number of younger people who think marijuana use is dangerous. Chances of people turning to weed for pain relief are strong.
People also gained more from marijuana pain relief The researchers analyzed the data from two double-blind, placebo-controlled studies. Among 42 respondents who were casual users of pot, they looked to the analgesic effects of marijuana.
Some were issued active weed for smoking and others smoked marijuana in placebo shape. The respondents were then instructed to drop their hands into a bath of cold water until the discomfort was overwhelming. A brief questionnaire on pain followed, which the respondents had to tackle.
Men reported a significant decrease in vulnerability and an improvement in pain tolerance among those who smoked active cannabis. Yet women did not notice any significant decrease in pain perception, while directly after smoking active cannabis they registered a slight increase in pain tolerance. None of them, neither a man nor a woman, reported any variations in their impairment rates or the degree of the active marijuana influence.
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You may have been looking up the best weed pharmacy near me, and then another question about the side effects of medical marijuana is coming up. Knowing a lot of people this will not stop them from getting their weed dosage. Okay, just as weed has many health benefits, misuse will not result in anything positive. There have been reports that Marijuana use had side effects. As much as that is real, the advantages of wellbeing are more than the side effects.
Let us first understand the benefits of medical marijuana before we can be quick to judge on the side effects.
Weed Effects
Helps help with PTSD and anxiety If you've used weed from a medical pharmacy before then you appreciate the relaxed feeling you end up getting. This is something that has allowed Cannabis to be used to treat anxiety and PTSD. In such cases, the THC compound found in marijuana helps a lot to relax people's emotions, or even if you have to attend a public speaking function.
Relief with constant pain and nausea
For many people who are looking in medical marijuana, this is mostly related to the discomfort. The essence of cannabis pain relief has seen it readily prescribed by some health care providers around the globe. You will find many evidence demonstrating that cannabis use can potentially help to reduce chronic pain. The marijuana products are otherwise known to help relieve the muscle spasms sometimes caused by multiple sclerosis. That should help reduce diarrhea and vomiting reports more.
May help patients with epilepsy Cannabidiol oil, which is a cannabinoid extract, may be useful for epilepsy care. Not just any epilepsy, but the rare condition, Dravet syndrome. Several parents were secretly using medical marijuana to help their children off the discomfort, but with this extract things have changed now. The best part is that it has FDA approval and is often marketed as Epidiolex. This should allow you to use it for your child without having to worry about the side effects. Only insure that you stay within the recommended dose.
Comes with the benefits of anti-cancer
This is something that has minimal study but you can see where medical marijuana is heading. A few experiments have shown you can prevent the rapid growth of cancer cells by using medicinal marijuana. Further work is conducted to see how this could be valid any further. Nonetheless, this would drive more people to think about getting medical marijuana.